Having been through life as international students and later settling in the UK, the MEDii founder team understands the feeling of uncertainty and the unfamiliarities associated with living in a foreign country. This is even more so when it comes to receiving healthcare.Having worked in the UK healthcare sector for many years, we have a thorough understanding of both the NHS and the private healthcare systems, therefore we established MEDii in late 2017, to share our knowledge and expertise with our customers in and out of the UK.
Our Mission
MEDii offers bespoke private healthcare services through working closely with elite UK physicians and private hospitals, serving the ever-expanding Chinese communities in the UK and the vast Chinese international patients.From remote consultation to face to face clinics, including both primary care and secondary care, covering both general ailments and more serious illnesses, we strive to bring the best of medical expertise in the most professional and responsive manner.
Our Vision
Healthcare should be personalised, reliable and affordable. It is our vision to create a medical condition ecosystem in which everyone can access bespoke healthcare service whenever and wherever, benefiting both international and home patients.At MEDii we endeavour to offer people the choice of optimal medical solutions and patient pathways, as we believe in knowledge being power: power to you, in achieving all your health and well-being goals.
MEDii siging contract with HCA Group
MEDii event at the Royal College of Physicians (London)
MEDii Milestones
Established in 2017Extensive research on the private medical system in the UK, and accurate positioning of high-quality medical resources
Operational from June 2018In-depth improvement of user experience, simplified medical procedures, and standardised compliance documents
Launched in September 2018Hosted China-UK Private Medical Summit at the Royal College of Physicians in London
2018 - 2019
2018-2019Officially approved by more than 30 UK premium private hospitals and medical groups
2019Presented at the International Medical Travel Conference (IMTJ Summit) on the Chinese market outlook
2019Presented at the International Medical Travel Conference (IMTJ Summit) on the Chinese market outlook
2019Nominated for the LaingBuisson Award, known as the 'British Private Medical Oscar', for the annual Rising Star
2020Facilitated the donation of 100,000 medical-grade masks to NHS hospitals alongside ICBC (UK)
2020Provided undisrupted healthcare service during the Covid lockdown
2021Designated by the Chinese Embassy in the UK to provide passengers flying to China with testing services.
2021To open up the UK’s first bilingual (ENG-CHN) medical service clinic in the prestigious London medical district.